The Best Nature Walks Near Gosford

It’s fair to say that the region surroundingGosford is an abundant source of stunning nature walks. Whether you love flora and fauna, photography, waterfalls or simply enjoy soaking up the great outdoors, you’ll be like a kid in a candy store when exploring this beautiful area. Here are some of the many walks on offer within a stone’s throw fromGosford.

Mooney Mooney Nature Walk

West of Gosford lies the Mooney Mooney Nature Walk, a challenging but beautiful trail through lush rainforest and leafy woodlands that harbour captivating waterfalls, rock formations and viewpoints. Springtime brings a vibrant blanket of wildflowers, and birdwatchers will have the chance to spot many of the local winged residents.

Palm Grove Nature Reserve

If you love bushwalks, picnics, photography or wildlife spotting, Palm Grove Nature Reserve will not disappoint. Stroll between verdant rainforest ferns and moss-coated boulders on a trail that forms part of the iconic Great North Walk. As you do so, keep an eye and an ear out for the wild frogs and birds – you may be lucky enough to get a rare sighting of a protected species.

Piles Creek Loop

Piles Creek Loop is located not far from the Mooney Mooney Nature Walk and follows the Piles Creek ravine through a forest of dry eucalypt trees. There are plenty of picturesque waterfalls and clearings to enjoy on this trail, and you’ll even traverse a suspension bridge on your way to the jaw-dropping Illoura lookout. From here, you’ll be able to soak up the breath-taking views before heading back to the picnic area or continuing along on one of the other connected trails.

Girrakool Loop

Linked to the Piles Creek Loop is the Girrakool Loop, a fairly short and undemanding walk that can be started and finished at the same picnic spot. Aside from beautiful scenery, one of the most iconic features of this trail is an ancient Aboriginal site.

Somersby Falls Walking Track

For a fantastic walk during any season, head to the Somersby Falls picnic area and find the trail leading down to the waterfall. This short but graceful trail is particularly enjoyable in summer, as the cool spray of the waterfall is a welcome relief from the heat of the sun. Plus, you can retreat to a shady spot in the picnic area to enjoy some lunch while observing the many birds that call this area home.